Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just an update

I was at an army wives expo last month and put my name in some raffles, one of which was life coach sessions.  I have been in a mood where it was hard to love myself and love others and I needed help.  I prayed that my relationship with my husband and others would improve and I think that winning those 4 free sessions answered that.  I had my second session with my life coach and it was even more emotional the second time.  She had given me a handout of a tree with words on them called the "Tree of Love" and they were all words that we need to have to love ourselves.  She has a page on facebook if you'd like to check it out, she posts loving words and pictures to help us love ourselves.

Monday, March 25, 2013

30 day blog challenge~day 6

What is your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

My sign is Pisces and I know it fits my personality to a tee!

PISCES SUN : honest, unselfish, trustworthy, pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful, religious, prodigal, gullible, loved by women.

Mysticism, escape into the One; sees the unity, fails to make "normal" distinctions, often weak ego; victim, martyr, servant; tends to escapism, fantasy, drugs (especially alcohol), religion; very receptive, sensitive, even psychic; co-dependency, care-taking; withdrawn from the world; release from the world. 

General character: Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people's problems than your own. You are not a decisive person and may change your mind many times.Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away. Weak concentration skills can get you into trouble at school. 

If you ask my husband if this is me he would laugh and agree ESPECIALLY with the sensitive and indecisive part, my friends would agree with the unselfish and trustworthy and definitely the concern with other peoples problems.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

30 day blog challenge~day 5

What is your favorite comfort food and why?

I would have to say meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  I love making meatloaf and I always make it different each time depending on my mood that day.  My potatoes always consist of sour cream, butter, cheese, bacon bits, and seasonings.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

30 day blog challenge~Day 4

What are your views on religion?

I always have had mixed feelings on the subject.  I was raised Lutheran and growing up my parents made us go to church every Sunday.  My sister and I both went to Sunday school and then when I was 15 my mom had me take classes so I can take communion (I forgot what it was called).  I used to go to PWOC on Tuesdays at the church on post.  I enjoyed it but sometimes I felt that the women were to submissive and I hate being told what to do and what I "need" to do as a woman.  One point in my life I decided to take another route and study Wiccan.  I did that for awhile but then realized that Christianity was more for me so I went back and prayed to God.  The only thing I don't like about the Christian religion is that the people who are "Bible thumpers" try and tell you the things you do wrong and judge you.  I was taught that only God judges but I guess they think they can talk for God.  I don't know what is in store for my future and what God holds for it but I can wait and see. :)

Friday, March 22, 2013


Between love and madness, lies xenophobia

30 day blog challenge~Day 3

What are your pet peeves?

Oh wow, I have a few!

1) People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.  I have to constantly remind not only my 2 kids but my husband as well..it even grosses me out when I use the public bathroom and see women go out without washing up.  Germs people, hellooo!

2) Chewing with mouth open.  I know I can be just as guilty sometimes but I'm trying to teach my kids that its impolite to do that and its gross!

3) Army wives who complain about things they can't control.  Look, no one made you marry into the military lifestyle and if you married before he became a soldier you should have done your research.  The army life is what you make of it, suck it up or find a civilian.  Period.

4) Whistling.  I loathe it, it annoys the inner most depth of my soul.  I'm like Sheldon when it comes to people doing it.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

30 day challenge~day 2

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Well, thats an open ended question because 10 years ago I was married to a completely different man and we had no kids yet.

Well, in 10 years I'm hoping to have a stronger marriage with my now husband and hopefully not loose too much sanity with two teenagers at that time.  I hope to have graduated college and have a successful career.  I also hope to have more patience, be happier, and not sweat the small stuff