Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My year in review

This past year was insane!  I'm glad I survived though through a new job, a new husband, ect I want to rekindle those moments by posting this.


I started my job with Home Depot.  I had just gotten laid off from my old job and went through a lot of stress looking for a new one.

A friend of mine passed that month and I still think about him to this day.  He will always be missed by me and his friends and family.

It was my birthday and it was a very strange time for me.  My birthday week/end I couldn't move, I was paralyzed.  I laid in bed and cancelled my birthday plans.  I had no clue what was going on, if it was because Joe had died the previous month or me just going through things.  I had a very bad month...I did, however, buy a new car!

Not much went on, work and take care of kids, my life was kinda dull at this point.

Took the kids to see the play Pinkalicious, Lila of course LOVED it and she got to get a fairy wand

Home Depot had us volunteer to plant flowers and do work in and around the Fisher House on Fort Hood.  The kids had a blast and it was good for them to do volunteer work

The kids started soccer and they absolutely loved it.

The kids started school, Braden in second grade and Lila in Kindergarten.  They were so excited!

I met the guy that has changed my life.  He has taught me to love again, to trust, and to know that I am higher than how I made myself out to be.  I had bad relationships, I had been lied to, cheated on, manipulated and he worked hard to change my mind.  I never knew what true love was, I never knew what it was like to be completely in love with someone til he came into my life.

People may think I'm crazy, I know this, I also know that in my heart that he was the one.  He told me the second week we were together he was going to marry me and I told him he was crazy.  When he left for a week back in September I couldn't sleep, couldn't focus, I wasn't myself.  Thats when I knew he was the one.  We got married October 12, it was just like "ok, lets get married"

I told my mom that Josh and I got married, then told everyone else.  It was hard for me because of all the shit I put everyone through and my 10 year crap marriage.  She was totally supportive and happy that I wasn't wild anymore.  He got to meet my uncle Russ and aunt Mandy and they liked him too.

Was the hardest month I have had in quite sometime.  I left my kids to meet Josh's family.  I debated about it for awhile but it was important to him for me to meet his family.  I enjoyed some of the trip, some not so great but it tested our relationship when I had to deal with his ex-wife.  We had some huge arguments during that time but we stayed together through that time and I'm glad.

This was the view when we stayed overnight in Northern Nevada

I hope and pray that 2013 will be better for me emotionally and financially!  

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